38 Pumpkin Street, Pumpkin Town

How do I get to 38 Pumpkin Street?” asked the rabbit who was new to Pumpkin Town. But no one could answer this question. The goat grandpa with a beard and the pug as small as two months all shook their heads and said no. Know.

“So, what about number 36?” The rabbit obviously wanted to find number 38 through neighbors. The pug shook his tail and said, “I know that Mrs. Yali lives on the 36th. She is the richest Mrs. Goose.”

The rabbit followed the pug to No. 36, which is really magnificent. The yard is quite big and the building is high. Then it should be number 38 next to it? “No, no.” The pug wags its tail and heads again. “Next door is Mr. Crocodile with the hottest temper. His house number is 40. You can’t go wrong.”

Sure enough, the rabbit saw with his own eyes the house number on the gate, which was covered by green vines, and it really read: No. 40. “So where is number 38?” The rabbit was really confused. The pug shrugged, spread his hands, and said nothing.

This is not troublesome to the rabbit. He quickly came to the post office and said to the Zebra salesperson: “I’m looking for 38 Pumpkin Street.” Zebra is an enthusiastic young man. He pushed the glasses on his nose and said, “This…this. We can’t find the address either. That’s the case, Mr. Dawa has a mailbox here, here, that’s it.” The rabbit followed Zebra’s finger and saw a “happy mailbox”.

“Wait,” Zebra looked at the wall clock on the wall, pushed his glasses upwards, and said, “In 5 minutes, he will come to get the letter on time.” The rabbit was so excited, he asked Zebra to look at himself. Isn’t her bow tie crooked at all? He wiped the dust off his shoes again, and finally asked Zebra for some water to tidy up his hair.

A short man in black walked in and expertly opened the “happy mailbox”. Without the introduction of the zebra, the rabbit knows who is here. He rushed over and shouted in a trembling voice: “Mr. Dawa, I finally found you. The story you wrote is so good, I love it so much!”

Until this time, the residents of Pumpkin Town knew that Mr. Dawa was a master of storytelling, and the books they had read turned out to be written by people around him. And the rabbit also knew that Mr. Dawa was a mole. Mr. Mole only came out occasionally during the day. He usually lives underground. No wonder there is no his house number on the ground. But his underground home is really spacious, and the rabbit was invited to visit. He described it like this: “Oh, how big is it? Probably the land of Mrs. Goose and Mr. Crocodile combined is so big.”

Zebras and pugs were too big to enter Mr. Mole Dawa’s house. They asked the rabbit curiously, “So, what are the houses for such a big house?”

“Books, all books!” Rabbit exclaimed, “In addition to books, there should be his wonderful ideas and endless dreams.”

In fact, Rabbit still doesn’t know much about Mr. Dawa. In order to know more and learn more, Rabbit decided to live in Pumpkin Town. Of course, he lives in Mr. Dawa’s house. If you want to know more, just ask the rabbit.

What? You don’t know where Rabbit and Mr. Dawa live? It’s at 38 Pumpkin Street, Pumpkin Town!

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About guokw

Like watching all kinds of stories

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